Our Corporate Risk, Commercial Business & Construction Specialties include the following Services.
Our Corporate Risk, Commercial Business & Construction Specialties include the following Services.
- Detailed risk analysis audit and review to ensure our clients business risks
can be matched to the appropriate insurance product - Dedicated hands-on claims management
- Access to overseas and local Insurance markets
- Access to manuscript policy wordings for specialised risks
- Contract reviews
- Business Interruption sum insured reviews
- Mergers and acquisitions due diligence Insurance program reviews
- Workers comp claims management services
- Access to professional buildings, plant and motor vehicle valuers
- Access to specialist risk management services
Tim if there is anything you are not sure about in my above comments, please give me a call. For the photos I have selected can you
please let me know if you can access them free or at low cost. I’m also happy to consider other photos if you believe you have something more appropriate.
The only further changes my end are as follows;
- Corporate Section – there may be some additional text
- I am still working on the Insurance Industries tab we discussed
- For the Chat Widget what do we need to set up at our end ?
- We are planning a seminar in August and will need to include an
invitation form under the events tab
There is some urgency in getting this done as we are planning to send out invites to a seminar we are holding in the middle of August and need the website to be
updated accordingly .